Monday, December 31, 2007
I'm trapped in Summit County, and the skiing is great
Friday, December 28, 2007
Surviving peak ski

1. Get up early. You need to be on the first chair. That will give you at least an hour of calm as the hordes are trying to get their equipment in order. You'll also get the best conditions of the day.
2. Don't eat lunch. A holiday pattern forms that's different from weekends where you're mostly skiing with Front Rangers: everyone goes in for a long lunch just after noon. The lines will cut by at least half.
3. Ask a patroller. Every mountain has its quiet spots, and they can change from day to day. Get patrol to tell you where they are.
4. Stay away from the big resorts. This time of year it may be better to hit Monarch, Wolf Creek, or another little independent ski area that doesn't heavily market out of state.
5. Ski clear of anyone who has attached a giant Texas flag tied to their back. You think I'm kidding, but I've seen this multiple times.
6. Don't use the quickpod to take a picture. Just ask someone. You idiot.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
I also got primarily socks
Cat comes off the mountain

This, and a recent New York Times story on the pervasive, and welcome presence of shop cats, makes me think, "Wouldn't it be cool if there was a cat living in the summit house on Pikes Peak?" Sure, it would have to come down at some points when the summit house is closed, but tourists and locals would both love it. One of the many, many things that could improve the summit experience on Pikes Peak. Unless you hate cats.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Anybody get good gear gifts?

Any skiing is good skiing

A good friend from Maine (who now lives in Montana) does a Christmas ski tour every year, no matter how bad the New England winter is. He has sent pictures before of skiing on grass using spray cooking oil as lube. This year was not a whole lot better.
An inch and a half of rain on the snow froze hard. He says "the snow was as soft as scrap iron. But we were sliding downhill on skis, getting another New England lesson that "any skiing is good skiing. See videos of the prime conditions here:
By the way, ski conditions are looking up, if you can stand the crowds. See a ski report for Colorado at
Monday, December 24, 2007
With snow on the way, Beaver Creek opens Stone Chutes
Ever feel like a hampster in a wheel?
Watch it HERE.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Park Lane Terrain Park opens at Breck

Friday, December 21, 2007
Sledding Sunday
With snow predicted for tonight and early Saturday, this could be a good sledding weekend. You don't need to be a kid to enjoy a quick run down a good sledding hill.
Here's a list of some of the region's best sledding areas. If you've got a great place you're willing to share, post it in the comments below.
Colorado Springs Parks
Cottonwood Creek (near Dublin Boulevard and Rangewood Drive just south of Woodmen Road)
Quail Lake (East Cheyenne Mountain Boulevard, west of the World Arena)
Kathleen Marriage
Broadmoor Bluffs
Van Diest
Mountain Shadows
Village Green
Monument Valley (end of Fontanero Street at Boddington Field)
Middle Shooks Run (near El Paso Street and Willamette Avenue)
Bear Creek (21st Street and Argus Road)
Howbert Elementary School (30th and Water streets)
Jenkins Middle School (Austin Bluffs Parkway near Dublin Boulevard)
Timberview Middle School (Squirreltail Road, north of Research Parkway near Powers Boulevard)
Take exit 161 off I-25, drive east on State Highway 105 to Fairplay Drive
Manitou Springs
Behind the Iron Springs Chateau (Ruxton Avenue)
Library hill - good for younger kids - just make sure you don't get going so fast you fly off onto Manitou Ave.!
Woodland Park
Meadow Wood Park
Off Rampart Range Road
Snow on the horizon
Free if you're flexible
From Silverton Mountain's email list: Looking for a Few Heli Skiers- We would like to bring in the heli for avalanche control on a more regular (but still limited) basis. It is the best tool for quickly opening new terrain, so if you would like to be added to our heli ski list let us know. The heli drops are usually on short notice as we don't know exactly when we will want to conduct heli control work. The heli drops are obviously lots of fun and the least expensive way you will heli ski in the lower 48 at only $150 per drop.
As far as we know there are no other places in the lower 48 where you can pay by the run. Most drops occur across the valley from the lift in Zone 4, and occasionally when all the stars line up we also drop the lines off of Storm Peak in Zones 5 & 6. Please email the best number to reach you on short notice (evening number). Helicopter services provided for Silverton Mountain by independent contractors.
If you have your own group and want to book a private ship for just your crew we can also do that at a fixed hourly rate and can usually try to book that in advance. The heli holds 4-5 people, so making a group in multiples of 4 is a good way to go.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
The beauty of slow lifts
There's something nice about skiing at a place where you don't feel like you have to rush to get the skiing before all the good snow is gone. Even been in Vail's China Bowl on a weekend powder day. The freshies are devoured in minutes.
At Monarch, apparently, they stay for days.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Compton makes it four national titles in a row
Local racer Katie Compton won a snowy cyclocross national championship in Kansas City Sunday. Next, she is bound for the World Champs in Italy, where she hopes she has a good chance of winning. Here's how the cyclecross nationals official page summed up her win:
Can Anyone Beat Compton at Nationals?
Compton finished off her North American cyclocross season by clinching her fourth consecutive national title. Since earning her first title in 2004, rivals have gotten fitter and faster, but Compton has upped her game to sustain her stunning dominance.
"I just went to the front and rode.," said Compton. "I could hear people cheering behind me so I kind of knew where the other riders were. Then I was hearing slight gaps, so I just kept on the gas."
Compton opened a 15-second gap between her and Gould by the end of the first lap with Maureen Bruno Roy (Independent Fabrication-Wheelworks) and Rachel Lloyd (Proman-Paradigm) in tow. In what would prove to be her best race of the season, Lloyd passed Bruno Roy and closed down a slight gap to reach Gould.
Lloyd managed to get by Gould on lap two and then matched pace with Compton by the middle of the race. But by then, Compton had stretched her lead to 40 seconds and was out of reach.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Coloradan No. 1
Coloradan Gretchen Bleiler took top honors in the women's contest today, at the US Snowboarding Grand Prix in Breckenridge. Gold medalists Kelly Clark and Hannah Teter came in second and third.
Shaun White took the men's competition, just ahead of Coloradan Steve Fisher. Elijah Teter took third place.
You can watch the Grand Prix on Dec. 22 at 1 p.m. on NBC.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Crags: the good the bad and the ugly

I've been up to the Crags a couple times this week. In
case you haven't been, here's what's going on:
The Good - About 6-8" of white fluffy stuff in the area of the campground. About 10-14" higher up. More's coming.
The Good - The road has been plowed, seemingly after every snowfall. I believe Harvey Carter has been doing this, at least above the Mennonite Camp. Last year the road didn't get plowed above the Mennonite Camp because Harvey's truck/snowplow was broken. Now it's plowed all the way to his property, and even the next 1/4 mile to the Ring the Peak trailhead. Let's hope Harvey keeps it up!
The Ugly - The campground is "Closed", supposedly for hazard tree removal. Obviously they started cutting some trees last summer and the job is not
finished. But why the heck they would gate off the campground, with all its parking, for an operation that's not taking place over the winter is beyond me!
The campground parking lot normally has dozens of vehicles on prime weekends for skiers and snowshoers.
People are going to have to get very creative about parking around the campground this winter.
Personally, I slip into the state occasionally while writing, more often when drawing the periodic comics I do for the Gazette, and most often when I'm mountain biking.
On certain trails on certain days, flying downhill, I don't notice the bike. I don't notice thinking about steering or avoiding obstacles or balance. I feel invincible, like I can do no wrong.
I don't get the same feeling running. Here and there, when I'm well trained and doing well, I'll get what I might call a "runner's high" where I can sort of step outside myself, see how well I'm doing, and enjoy it, but it's not the same seamless feeling of being one with the bike.
Anyone else? What makes you enter flow?
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The local favorite

Snowpack now way above average

The result. The snowpack, which was basically 0' a week ago is now 134% of average in the Arkansas Basin, 134% average in the Gunnison Basin, and 111% average in the Colorado Basin.
Ski on!
Adaman club lives up to its name

This year it's Mark Szabo, 48. As the new member, Szabo will have the honor of breaking trail over the icy slopes of Barr Trail to the summit of Pikes Peak . Weather permitting, the Club’s members and guests will greet the New Year at midnight, December 31st with a spectacular fireworks display at the 14,110-foot summit. Szabo is a Colorado native and has climbed with the Club as a guest for 9 years. He has extensive mountaineering experience and has climbed several 14,000-foot peaks in Colorado . Szabo is owner of Baseline Computer Service in Colorado Springs .
Monday, December 10, 2007
Silverton mountain has new snowfall record

Just like that, a 60-inch base

I've got my fingers crossed for a two-foot dump in Colorado Springs Tuesday. That'll slow down the gunmen.
Future of the Incline

Thoughts on whether the Incline should be open or not?
Friday, December 07, 2007
Snow, snow snow
Here's some other reports
Crested Butte 20"
Snowmass 14"
Vail 10"
Arapahoe Basin 9" 21F
Keystone 9" 25F
A visit to the elders

Thursday, December 06, 2007
Free trail guide

Time to open new terrain
Super strong, super light

It also takes 300 man hours to make, giving the frame a retail price of $6,995. Add all the latest components and we're talkin' $12,000, which, I would like to point out, is significantly more than the value of my car.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Burton says "Thou shalt poach."

Jake Burton, one of the founders of snowboarding and owner of one of the largest board manufacturers is offering $5,000 for the best video of boarders "poaching" these ski-only slopes.
Only one video is posted so far, but it's pretty darn funny, watch to the end. You get to see patrollers at Taos tackle a dude. Then they interrogate the group saying, "If we don't get all your names, you're never going to ski here again."
Don't think that threat's going to work.
See the video here.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Obesity rates leveling off?

About 33 percent of adult men and 35 percent of U.S. women -- more than 72 million people -- were obese in 2005/06, according to a new, comprehensive survey that includes physical examinations.
The new rates were slightly higher than the 31 percent and 33 percent reported in the 2003/04 survey, the CDC said, but the increases were not considered statistically significant.
So... maybe we're hovering at just one and three. But we're not heading in the right direction.
I went to show slides of some of my misadventures to a suburban middle school class last week. Afterwards, all the kids wanted to come up and ask if I liked to ski, or liked to snowboard (both) and if I had ever been roller blading, and surfing, and if I liked to ride my bike, etc. Then one kid, who probably had me by 40 pounds, I mean a big, big kid, asked if I liked to quad.
At first I didn't know what he meant. Then he explained that he, his mom, his dad, and his brother all like to go quadding up in the mountains every weekend. It really bummed me out, not just because I don't like quads, but because here was a kid who obviously needed some physical exercise, and instead he was being taught by his parents (who I'm assuming may be in the same boat) to spend the day sitting on his already ample rear end.
Maybe the leveling off in rates is only temporary.
Monday, December 03, 2007
Speak of the devil...
Good directions, pretty good maps and - what I find especially useful - good descriptions of ski touring around the huts.
Wish I would have seen it last week - you've got a few possible choices for the first mile or so to 10th Mountain and the mess of cross country trails back there is confusing. I think our route was fine (leaving from the gravel pit at the end of the road in Crane Park), but the Wurt's Ditch route may have been even easier.
Even better, Dawson is promising to add GPS waypoints for each route. That'd be sweet, although my GPS has a long history of not working in the snow (which is to say, every time I've actually needed it).
You tell me, though, if you remove route-finding from the hut trip experience, have you made it too easy? Breaking trail through a foot of fresh snow on Saturday would argue for "no." But there's also that point on nearly every new hut I've been to, where I'm thinking, "We must have taken a wrong turn." And that tinge of despair and exhaustion inevitably makes it all the sweeter when we finally get to our destination.
10th Mountain Hut last weekend
The weather was pretty decent early Saturday - sunbreaks and snow showers and temps in the upper 20's, so we couldn't complain. We broke trail the whole way through eight to 12 inches of fresh powder. The wind started to kick up just as we arrived at the hut.

A pair of telemarkers from Boulder were just getting ready to leave. They said they'd hiked nearly the whole way in on Friday -- there was that little snow before Saturday's dump. They thanked us for breaking trail, but with the wind howling, I'm sure our tracks were gone within 20 minutes. A group of snowshoers arrived a couple hours later, exhausted, and said they'd been breaking trail the whole way.
Here's Carrie gearing up for a dash to the outhouse.

Sunday morning was beautiful, if still occasionally windy with a total of about two feet of fresh on the ground. Some of the snowshoers left early, so we had a trough to ski in most of the way, breaking trail only the last half-mile. The powder was tempting, but with no base, you'd be hitting trees or rocks with every turn.

Leadville was positively buried, but almost all the snow had disappeared by the time we got down to BV.

Can you make it to Silverton by 3 today?
No. 1 -
"Closed Sunday December 2, 2007 Due to Tree that may have fallen on lift after 48" of new snow."
No. 2 -
CASH ONLY since the power and phones are out.
$39 (Plus $1 road fee)…tree runs.
See you there!"
If for some bizarre reason you're reading this from Ouray, get in your car NOW.
Coming up as soon as I finish my donut, pix from my weekend trip to the 10th Mountain Hut near Tennessee Pass, where we got a measley two feet of snow.
Still below average

Saturday, December 01, 2007
Looks like that precip is here
Looks like a bus just slid out on Canon Ave., too, almost sliding into the Commonwheel Artists studio. Be careful out there, friends.
Monarch finally getting the white stuff
(I'll hyperlink if I get into the office today. Can't do it from home on my Mac.)
Monarch relies on Mother Nature, and has had to delay opening. Same with Ski Cooper. Leadville is reporting 32 degrees and mist, with a couple of inches possible today and tonight. We'll keep checking in to see if these Gems look like they can open anytime soon.
Send us slope reports
But that shouldn't stop you. If you get up to the powder today, tomorrow, Monday instead of work... send us a report. Add a comment to a post here or e-mail me at or add a post to our other winter web site:
We talking inches or feet?
Barely a frost.
But what's happening elsewhere? Weather reports still say the high country will see snow all day. Almost every report reported snow overnight with snow continuing to fall. Hmm, something tells me I may not see Dave till Wednesday...
Larry Walrod, lead forecaster for the National Weather Service in Pueblo, told The Gazette: "As time went on with this system, it looked more and more like it was going to pound the mountains and less and less like it would hit the Eastern Plains."
Parts of the San Juan range above 10,000 feet have seen as much as three feet of snow and that total could rise to four feet by the time the storm ebbs Sunday, Walrod said. Western Chaffee and Lake counties have gotten a 1- to 2-foot dump around the Continental Divide, and Leadville has seen about 8 inches, he added.
Here's what ski areas and ski towns are reporting"
Silverton through Telluride: up to 9 inches today with 100% chance of snow today and 80% tonight.
Wolf Creek is reporting 4 inches in 24 hours. Aspen Mountain, 5. Snowmass: 10. Weather reports show another 5 inches or so falling in Aspen today and another 2-4 tonight.
Crested Butte, where it's been bare, got 9. Remember, free skiing at CB through Dec. 15.
Closer to us, Breck and A-Basin are reporting 1 inch. Copper, 4. Keystone, where more terrain and the terrain park are opening today, got 1 inch. The area is expecting 2-4 inches today and another 1-3 tonight. But be ready for blowing snow today.
Loveland's reporting 2.
For a full report, check:
For city by city weather forecasts: