Friday, May 30, 2008
County budget plan would save park land

New plans call for I-70 train

This is not so much a Colorado Springs story as a Denver story, but won't it be cool for skiers to be cool for skiers to be able to get on the train, relax, have a breakfast burrito, and ski as long as they want without worrying about missing traffic on the way home.
Even better, if they can build a train on the narrow I-70 corrridor, can one on I-25 be far behind?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Skydiver's attempt to set a free-fall record fails when his balloon leaves without him

The helium balloon was going to use Tuesday to soar to the stratosphere detached from the capsule he was going to use to jump from 130,000 feet.
It happened after the balloon was inflated on the ground at the airport in Saskatchewan. The balloon drifted away without the capsule.
"It was like having a hammer over my head," he said later.
The river runner's obsession? Good canned beer

"Woohoo!! My summer just officially got waaaaay better, no more Tecate with hot sauce on the river for me," one poster raved.
The beer joins these other fine cans: Dale's Pale Ale, Old Chub, and a small selection from local dudes Arctic Brewery.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Man survives tornado to be drowned in Royal Gorge

World Alpine to Vail?
It Vail gets the nod it will be 14 years since the FIS Alpine Ski World Championships have been held outside Central Europe or Scandinavia. Bring it on!
Now, let's get back to the discussion about "locals only" mountain bike trails...
County still eyeing selling park land

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Ski hall of fame inductees announced
And the inductees are:
Paul T. Bailey - founding member of the Copper Mountain Ski area and Chairman of the Board from Copper Mountain’s inception in 1972 through 1978; president of the Loveland Basin Ski Team; This past season he was the National Nastar Champion in the 85 and over category.
Chuck Ferries – a U.S. Alpine ski racer and U.S. Ski Team coach. Chuck was a member of the U.S. Olympic Ski Team, a member of the U.S. World Championship Team, and president of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association from 2002-2006.
Merrill G. Hastings Jr. - served in the 10th Mountain Division of the U.S. Army and after returning to the U.S. a decorated hero, joined the construction crew in building Arapahoe Basin. Merrill was a Berthoud Pass ski school director and a national ski patrolman starting the ski association that evolved into the Rocky Mountain Division of PSIA. He started Skiing Magazine in 1948 and successfully ran it for 16 years.
Bill Jensen – began his career working as a lift operator and quickly rose up through the ranks landing at the helm of Vail Resorts serving as the President and CEO.
Knox T. Williams - Knox developed an avalanche safety program recognized throughout the world. He built the Colorado Avalanche Information Center, the oldest avalanche forecast center in the United States, into one of the most respected centers in the world. He developed a methodology for archiving weather and avalanche data which has allowed for more accurate mountain weather and avalanche forecasting in Colorado and managed to preserve the CAIC through 35 years of government cutbacks.
Bikers are angry
You must be the dumbest person I know!!! Thanks for your article, your direction's were a little off, but people that should not be riding our trail found it anyway. Our national DH champ is from Colorado and this is where the local Pro athlete's train, including myself. That is why it is so technical. What we managed to keep secret for more than 8 years, was let out in one article. I guess that's what newspaper's do, report news. I'd like to know how you got the name and the direction's, because I don't know you, and I don't see you doing any maintenance on the trail. This trail is a place that keep's the fastest people in the state from going down Jack's, Chute's, area's in Palmer Park, and Ute. Hopefully it does not get shut down now. We've talked to the Forest rangers and they don't seem to have a problem letting a few people ride up there as long as people are not building wooden stunts nailed into the tree top's. I personally don't mind hitting single s! peeders coming up the chutes, but seeing that I race Pro 4x, DH means I have to train on my XC bike as well as road, and don't like it when dudes are bombing Edna Mae in body armor when I'm triing to climb it. This trail is the only thing on the front range (left). Where you did'nt have to worrie about someone hiking/biking up or boobie trapping it because they don't like bikers on a muti use trails going fast. I.e., palmer park and all the mysterious boulders that just seem to roll down and stop on the trail in the middle of the night. In the futer I wish you would keep unmarked trails out of the paper and especially don't give direction on how to get to them, your article was one third about the trail and two third about how to get to it. The next time you can hit a 35 ft. gap over a mine tailing , make it down that trail in one piece or you and your buddie flatting several times(I know people you know and talk get's aroung real fast) maybe then you can tell you buddies.&nbs! p;You h ave no buisness talking about, especially writing about a trail you don't even ride, you're worse then a little kid on the internet talking crap. Maybe next time you could write an article on how people that train for the pikes peak accent use the incline, and how it's illegal, and get that shut down too, or maybe where all the local dirt jumps are.Your informant is going to regret they told your dumb @ss anything about this. P.S. be carefull the next shop you drop your bike off to, may forget to tighten all the bolts, beacause most of the mechanics in town ride DH.Stoops!!!!
For Denver teacher, 50 state summits in 50 days

Haugen will summit by any means during his 24,000-mile journey this summer, even if by car.
His goal is to finish on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea, less than 50 days later, on approximately July 25, beating the current record by a few hours.
The upside of $4 gas

Thursday, May 22, 2008
More on single speeds

Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Barr Trail conditions
It is clear to Barr Camp with only a few small, very old patches of snow. I didn't go beyond Barr, but it looked like the trail was clear for quite a ways past it and I would guess that I could have run quite a bit further without encountering any notable snowy obstacles.
Expect large, deep snowfields above tree line. Axe, gaiters recommended
One virtual step closer to creepy futuristic world

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
A rare bit of good luck on Rampart Range Road

Monday, May 19, 2008
Mountain Mix-up

Easy mistake, anyone could have made it.. It was Denali. But in an election year, the question is, would Mark Udall, long-time Outward Bound instructor, make the same mistake?
Friday, May 16, 2008
Warming up for bike season

Pending Forest Service approval, Trestle is on the verge of adding ... over 9.5 miles of additional trails to the bike park. New trails will include excavated trails, jump trails, elevated trails and single track trails. Our existing trails provide a great way to learn and progress your skills and techniques so you will be prepared for the new trails being added to the park. Keep an eye on Trestlebikepark.com for the latest trail construction updates.
Moth watch 2008
Crested Butte ski photo bonus


Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Polar Bear added to Endangered Species list

Wolverines return to California, ask mountain lions "What you lookin' at?!"
As few as 200 to 300 wolverines are thought to remain in the United States, mostly in Montana and Idaho. They are notoriously bad-ass, as this recent essay shows.
For 13 years, the Biodiversity Legal Foundation, based in Louisville, Colorado, has led a campaign to win federal protection for wolverines under the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service rejected petitions in 1995 and 2000, saying not enough was known about wolverines to put them on the protected list.
In fact, very little is known about these super-sized killer weasels. The Colorado Division of Wildlife has no idea if they live in the state or not.Snow line at 10,000 feet
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Still lots of snow... I mean lots
The flood isn't coming yet though, today forecasts call for up to a foot of fresh powder in the mountains.
Moth watch 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008
Moth watch 2008

County wants to sell park land to fill coffers

Maybe this is all just scare tactics aimed at getting voters to approve a November sales tax increase, but maybe not. The story says the land could be sold for development, but could also sell to other government agencies (The city?). We'll see what happens, but from its founding, Colorado Springs' economy has relied on providing huge parks for a high quality of life, selling parks is the equivalent of eating your seed corn.
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Altitude Research Center needs you

Torch reaches top of Everest

Wednesday, May 07, 2008
The next round of pass wars?
Maybe, maybe not. Cheap season passes have their own pitfalls. They make it tough to get on-mountain employees, because the incentive for a free season pass isn't as sweet when a pass costs $500 instead of $1,400.
Telluride growing again

Wow, another big expansion from Telluride, and another "side country" backcountry powder stash gone.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Loveland plans ski cat operation

Runner dies of heart attack in Buena Vista Ultra
59-year-old John Marini of Littleton was running the 25-mile race when he collapsed Saturday about 13 miles in. He died while being taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
Officials say the race had EMS squads and six aid stations.
Roads closed as part of Arkansas
· OHV open designations in Texas Creek, Grand Canyon Hills, and Sand Gulch are changed to OHV limited to roads and trails.
· OHV open designation at Turkey Rock, a 52 acre portion of the Sand Gulch area, is changed to limited by vehicle type;
· OHV limited designation on High Mesa Grassland Research Natural Area/Instant Study Area is changed to OHV closed.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Falling off rocks: it must be spring

Skiing Pikes Peak: coverage still good

A first-hand report is always better than trying to decipher the Devil's Playgroud Webcam.
For map and information on skiing Pikes Peak, click here.
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Capitol Peak Skied Again

Asked if he would do the harrowing route again, he said "NO, under any circumstances."
Climber banished from Everest for Free Tibet banner

Friday, May 02, 2008
Update on the hippy-pop up. This time with solar

Corral Bluffs Motorcycle Park idea killed

Spring flowers: pretty much on hold
Pasque flowers, lots of them.