Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Inversion alert! Sunny hiking above 9,000 feet

It's a spooky, misty Halloween morning down here in Colorado Springs. There are even a few snowflakes floating around. Good day to stay indoors, right?

Well, maybe not. It's gorgeous at about 9,000 feet. The skiing could be sublime at Glen Cove. The summit is sunny (though probably not very warm). Anyone craving natural light (not, not that Natural Light) can hike up through the clouds on any number of summits.

I don't think there is a better feeling than climbing through the clouds. It gets murkier and murkier, then gradually, imperceptibly, it becomes lighter. Suddenly, the cloud break. The summits above look like islands floating in the clouds. The city, the roads -- all signs of civilization -- lay cloaked below a shining silver sea.

It was down a minute ago, but check out the Pikes Peak cam on any cloudy day for a view of another world.


Deb Acord said...

I must add this because, as some of you know, I'm from the City Above the Clouds - that's Woodland Park for you lowlanders. Anyway, current report for WP is sunny and mid 40s. We're laboring in the clouds down here.

Anonymous said...

Today in Woodland Park it was brutally cold. -40 without the windchill. Two above absolute zero with. The bears were feasting on old ladies, deer on small children, and cold crazed rabid squirrels were sucking the aqueous humor from unprotected human eyes.

Nope. No fun and sun here.

Shhhh... You're lettin' the cat out of the bag. Although I bet WP Chamber appreciates it. :0)

It was a beautiful day.