Friday, September 15, 2006

Help the migration effort

It's that time of year - migration time. The National Audubon Society says that five billion birds in North America are migrating from their summer breeding grounds in northern areas to their winter homes in the south.
The group says people can help with that monumental task by:
- Turning off interior and exterior lights between midnight and dawn.
- Reduce reflectivity on your windows with light-colored shades, blinds or drapes; place netting or a screen in front of your window, or stick decals on the outside of your windows.
- Place your bird feeders within three feet or more than 30 feet from your windows.
- Keep your cats indoors.
- Don't use pesticides.
- Keep feeders stocked and clean.
For more info, go to (click on the "Keeping Wildlife Safe" link on the left-hand side of the page). (photo from

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