Friday, August 04, 2006

Landis update

Cycling fans are waiting anxiously for Saturday. At 5 a.m. EDT, Floyd Landis will find out whether his backup "B" sample tested positive for doping - a result that could cost him the title and lead to a two-year ban.
According to the AP: The International Cycling Union is expected to announce the results after testing is completed at the Chatenay-Malabry laboratory, accredited by the International Olympic Committee and World Anti-Doping Agency. Landis and his defense team expect the sample will confirm a July 20 urine test showing he had elevated testosterone levels after making a remarkable comeback and winning the 17th stage of the Tour in a solo breakaway in the Alps.
A headline today on another AP story in the Calgary Sun: High testosterone levels now blamed on dehydration
The story went on to say that was the latest possible reason offered for Landis' elevated testosterone levels.

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