Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Babes in the woods

Guest blogger and fiery deputy editor Joanna Bean has a tip for all you parents of little rippers:

For kids (or even adults) who are ready to try a little tree skiing but don't want to get in over their heads, check out Ski Cooper's "Treasure Trove." It's not a run, per se, and it's not marked on Cooper maps. There is, however, a banner that says "Treasure Trove" that's strung between some trees at the entrance to this tame glade. It's just off the top of the 10th Mountain double chair on the front of the mountain. My 6-year-old daughter spotted the banner on the lift and immediately wanted to see what was up. You can bail out at any time and end up on a ski run, or stay in the trees and wind your way down. Needless to say, each time we skiied it, my kids got more brave - and stayed in the trees longer.

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