There's plenty of buzz in the blogasphere about U.S. ski champ Bode Miller's comments on 60 Minutes about skiing drunk. Most of it is defending him.
In a nation in which most sports fans still think slalom is a Yiddish greeting, Bode Miller is a gift from God one blogger wrote.
The upcoming winter Olympics were lacking any Kerrigan/Harding type soap opera/controversy until Bode decided 60 Minutes was a good forum to admit "being wasted" while skiing in World Cup races of the past, another wrote.
Good lord, governing bodies -- calm yourselves down! Alpine skiing's international governing body (FIS) and now the U.S. federation (USSA) are reading Bode the riot act. They're having a hissy fit about Bode's remarks... or more accurately, a hissy fit about the fact that Bode's remarks are garnering so much publicity. Methinks they doth protest too much... another concluded.
Looks like Bode Miller suckered us all with his SUI (skiing under the influence) story from last week. Now that we're past stage one, we're well into the second stage of scandal stories: Mandatory manufactured outrage:
another predicted.
Well, we'll see how the skier handles all this hubbub.
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