“Mountain lions, on average, walk about 25 miles per night and eat a deer per week. Jackrabbits can run at 40 mph but prefer to avoid predators through excellent camouflage. Tiny water shrews pluck insects from stream bottoms, eating their weight in bugs every day.
These are some of the surprising facts in this new color guidebook to the mammals of Rocky Mountain National Park.
Color photos make it a useful field book. Colorful descriptions make for an intriguing read. This book is a great start for anyone who wants to learn more about the wild world.
Price: $19.95
Where to get it: Local bookstores or upcolorado.com.
Bonus: The chapter on observing animals makes spotting wildlife more likely.
Bummer: The book’s focus on RMNP shortchanges local mammals such as the pronghorn.
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