Out There's trail guide keeps getting better
Out There unveiled its free online trail guide two weeks ago. Since then, I've added over 20 trails, including several trails no one else has! Want to ski Pikes Peak? It's in there. Want to tube in Pueblo? It's in there. Want to ride Jones Downhill. That's there too. We now have 89 local trails. You get maps, photos, and description if a printer-friendly format you can take on the trail. Check it out.And tell your friends. It's free!
Dave loves Jones Downhill, but a word to the wise: The dirt bikes have ground the whole thing into gravel and scree. If that's your thing, knock yourself out.
On the other hand, there's snow up there now that may help glue stuff together. Post a TR if you try it -there aren't many trails that improve with snow.
Agreed, last time I was there, it was pretty chewed up. Same with Capt. Jacks. I'd complain if the dirt bikers weren't there first.
We've talked about this before - if there was a way (even a voluntary way) to limit those trails to downhill-only traffic, both dirtbikes and mountain bikes, I think it would go a long way toward limiting the trail damage.
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