Sunday, September 02, 2007

Farmers' predicts snow

We got the Farmers' Alamanc on Friday, and its crack team is predicting heavy snows Thanksgiving week and Christmas week and again Presidents' Day weekend. They predict more snow, but I see nothing about snow in to March and April, just lots of showers.
Let us hope they'ev simply overlooked all the fun whiteness our resorts will get this season.


Roger Owen Green said...

But long-range forecasts are notoriously wrong. I haven't found the Farmers' Almanac to be particularly reliable for this sort of thing.

Dena Rosenberry said...

Yeah, I don't recall it was terribly accurate for last season. It's got me looking forward to mastering the blues and heading for blacks, though.

And the banana trivia article can't be beat.

Anonymous said...

150 inches in Woodland Park last snow season. I say let's go for an even 200 this time around!
