Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Colorado politicians move to preserve Roan Plateau

Congressmen Mark Udall and John Salazar called for a one-year moratorium on oil and gas exploration on top of the Roan Plateau on Tuesday, saying the federal government needs more time to gather public comment and study alternatives. This comes after a wide-spread, on-going campaign by conservationists, hunters, fishermen, and local governments, urging the BLM to protect the 73,000-acre plateau north of Rifle from the network of drill pads and roads that accompany exploration. For the full story on Udall and Salazar, click here.
The Roan is a truly unique area -- rarely visited and prized by biologists for its rich diversity.
To read about my visit with local preservationists to a stunning waterfall on the plateau in 2005, click here.

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