Thursday, March 22, 2007

Powder alert! Believe it or not.

On the way into the newsroom I was admiring our fine Freedom Communications flowering trees, now in full bloom and buzzing with bees. I had just gotten off the phone with a friend who said snow coverage for the 40-mile Elk Mountain Traverse ski race was going to be slim. It seemed like winter was in full retreat. Then I open my email, and what's the first message?
The Wolf got 10 inches last night, bringing the total year-to-date to 359 inches.
It's not too late to ditch work for a powder day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did your friend actually go out and ski the traverse, or was he guessing? I was camping near Friend's Hut from the 9th through the 12th of this month, and there is plenty of snow around that area. You may have to walk across the Death Pass section because that section of trail had just enough snow to ski across it then.