Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sound off: how many inches do you have?

I know that sort of sounds like a spam message, but I'm talking snow here.
It's 2 p.m. I would estimate the Gazette roof has about 4 inches of snow in the spots where the wind hasn't scoured it away.
Not exactly the blizzard of the year. Though I bet there are some mondo drifts.
How is it where you are?
Or, to use the local idiom, where you're at?
Is it yeti conditions yet?


Anonymous said...

No Yeti sightings in Woodland Park, but we're in definite blizzard mode here. Probably got a foot with drifting up to 2 feet of incredibly dry powdery stuff.
A snowmobile zoomed by about a half-hour ago, and his tracks are already covered.

Dena Rosenberry said...

I gritted my teeth for the drive home to Manitou last night and couldn't believe how easy it was. Watching TV it felt like I was viewing scenes from half a world away!