Friday, September 08, 2006

No snow yet

There is talk that this chilly wet weekend could dump the first significant snow on the Rockies (sort of a bummer if you have a 17-mile high-altitude run from Ouray to Telluride planned, as several hundred people do, including me). So far, according to a series of Web cams, there is no snow. Just rain, and fog.

A few years ago, in 2002, I worked with a very clever reporter who noticed that every time it rained in Colorado, it being a dry state, people would respond "well, we need it."

The reporter posed the question, "In this drought-stricken state, how many days of rain do we have to have before people stop saying 'we need it.'?"

I think we're getting close.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Never! More rain, more snow. Here's hoping, praying, prostrating that we - and by we I mean the Pikes Peak region - get dumped on this winter and chilled to the last bone.

You want to slow or stop the pine beetle epidemic? A couple weeks of sub zero should do it. Are you listening God? Allah? Gaia?