Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Riding on water

Leave it to Al Brody to figure out a way to ride his bike on the water.... sort of.

Brody is a trails and open space advocate who is also a bicycling fanatic. In 66 days, he'll be on the road at RAGBRAI, the hugely popular bike ride across Iowa that attracts thousands each year.

But now, he can be found at Prospect Lake on his newest toy, an Aqua Skipper. (Check out the video on this site... this isn't Al at left.)
Here's how it works: put your feet on the platform and your hands on the handles and hop up and down to propel yourself forward. The hydrofoils lift the Aqua Skipper above the water. Brody says he has been working with the Aqua Skipper, but so far it takes him about 40 feet before it stalls and he has to swim.

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