Tuesday, April 04, 2006

One hand not knowing...

Here's some news we just got on Grand Canyon from the nonprofit Living Rivers:

In an effort to resuscitate a sport fishery below Glen Canyon Dam, Arizona Game and Fish is considering stocking non-native rainbow trout in the Colorado River just above its entrance into Grand Canyon National Park.

Seventy-five miles downstream from Glen Canyon Dam, the US Department of Interior has for three years been removing trout because these introduced fish prey on the larvae and young juveniles of the humpback chub, a native fish species whose numbers have dropped to potentially unrecoverable levels and is protected by the Endangered Species Act.

The trout removal process involves using electroshock to stun the fish, netting them by the boatload, then grinding them up for use as fertilizer at a cost of $800,000 annually.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This photos are wonderful!!!!!!!!
Your blog is fantastic!!!!!!!