Thursday, March 02, 2006

Pikes Peak Ascent and Marathon CLOSED!!!

As of 7 a.m. this morning the last spot in the Pikes Peak Marathon was snatched up online, one day after sign-up opened. The more popular Pikes Peak Ascent filled up in 9 hours and 53 minutes. Because the race crosses National Forest Service land, the number of runners is capped at 800 for the marathon and 1,800 for the ascent by a Forest Service permit. The pack includes racers from 44 states and nine countries. But it doesn't include anyone who hesitated.
The race filled up faster than it ever has. For the past few decades, the marathon has taken five months to fill. Last year, on the 50th anniversary of the race, it took four days. There was much speculation this year that last year's rush was due to the big anniversary, but the one-day closing this year shows the sign-up frenzy is probably here to stay. In fact, it wouldn't be surprising to eventually see a lottery imposed.

My wife, my best friend, and even a few of my co-workers signed up with me this year. So it looks like I'll have some company training on the trail this year.
Anyone else just barely get in or miss it entirely? Give us your goals for the race in the comments section below.


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