A new fashion trend? Some foreign filmmaker's vision of how people ski in the American West? No, it's just the Bud Light Cowboy Downhill at Steamboat. An event that makes even the Winter Olympics look downright unimaginative, this is one of the strangest and most entertaining ski events in Colorado. The event - scheduled Tuesday - features a hundred cowboys who travel from the rodeo at the National Western Stock Show in Denver to Steamboat Springs. There, they step into skis and snowboards and compete on the snow instead of in the dusty arena. It's a ski competition with a decidedly Western theme - racers in the dual slalom must ski or board the course and jump, lasso a person and saddle a horse before they cross the finish line. But the grand finale should make you appreciate your favorite mountain even on its most crowded day. The Stampede features a mass start, with all the cowboy skiers and boarders racing down Headwall at the same time. - Deb
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