I needed to get out Sunday, but I wanted to watch the Broncos game, so headed for Waldo Canyon. It's a decent pressed-for-time outing with beautiful views.
The parking lot was about half full when I got there about 9 and the same when I left at noon. Perfect! I passed a couple dozen people coming and going - some running, one biking, a few strolling - and a half-dozen dogs having a GREAT day in the snow.
If you go, watch for ice on the east faces where snow has melted and then frozen overnight. There's still plenty of fluff about a half-mile in, so if you're hiking with a friend, get ready for flying snowballs.
If you were out on local trails over the weekend or are lucky enough to get out today, send in trail conditions. - Dena (Deb's and Dave's editor)
We were snowshoeing at Horsethief Park on Saturday. There was about 4-6 inches of new snow on north-facing slopes, less on the trails and in sun-exposed areas. The falls were completely frozen and covered with snow as well.
Thanks for the update on Horsethief Park. I'm new to Colorado - my second winter - so updates to trail conditions help me figure out what to do with my precious free time! I'm sure others feel the same.
Anyone been up to Crags since last week's snow?
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