Monday, January 30, 2006

Eldora trip report

My wife has been in Colorado for seven years now and she has skied just about every ski area in the state. She's so close, in fact, that she's trying to knock the last few off her list this winter.

Which explains what brought us to Eldora on Sunday.

We should have known what we were getting into: By the time we got to Nederland, the wind was blowing so hard that we frequently couldn't see the road because of blowing snow. It was no better at the mountain. The chairlifts were swaying in the gale and I had to cover the ear flaps on my helmet to keep my ear drums from freezing.

We would have just turned around and headed home but... the snow was actually pretty good. Especially back in the trees and glades all the way on skier's left at the edge of the ski area.

So we skied, shivered, skied, shivered and went into the Lookout restaurant to warm up. Then we took one more run and returned to the top to find the glades roped off. We headed off to find another run and found that the whole darn mountain was roped off, except for one of the double chairs up the kiddie hill. And that had a 10 minute wait to get on.

Thus, after all of two hours of skiing, we headed for home with another mountain crossed off our list, but not much else accomplished.

-- Andy Wineke

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