Ski Pikes Peak this weekend
What's all this talk about skiing Pikes Peak if the Pikes Peak Ski Area closed almost 20 years ago? Well, the skiing isn't at the old ski area, and it isn't on the broad, snowy cirque visible from Colorado Springs. The best skiing is on a north-facing slope above Glen Cove (far right in the picture above, click it for a bigger image) there is spectacular skiing, made even better this year by a cool, wet spring. Conditions this weekend should be perfect. 
Basically, the drill is this: Drive up the Pikes Peak Highway to Devil's Playground. Walk 10 minutes down an alpine ridge. Take your pick of ski runs. This is all backcountry skiing, there are no patrolers and no difficulty ratings. It's also steep and potentially rocky. Suffice it to say you should be a good skier and use the buddy system in this area. Ski back down to the road at Glen Cove and hitch hike up. Or, f you have a big enough group, you can take turns driving a shuttle. The true pros get several people together, show up right when the gate opens at 9 a.m., bring a BBQ grill and spend the day.
1 comment:
See ya there next june!
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