Thursday, December 07, 2006

An important message for men's heath

Seriously, guys, are you listening? Don't try to be a hero.
The Associated Press reported today that the body of a man who left his family in a stranded car to go for help was found, three days after the family was rescued.
Sound familiar? Last year a family became lost on a winter hike on Grand Mesa in western Colorado. Dad went for help. Mom and daughter spent a cold night before rescuers found them.
Dad's body was found weeks later under the snow.
It doesn't take a scientist to see pattern here.
I know, you're a man. You think you can help. You're a do-it-yourself kind of guy. It's up to you.
But come on. If you were that good at getting yourself out of fixes, you wouldn't be in a position where you have to leave the kids and wife to get help in the first place.
Just stay put!
While you're waiting, you can read one of several informative survival guides available from credible publishers.
If you happen to have access to the 'Net, there's some helpful advice there too. Our favorite, and first on the list of The psychology of Survival: Know yourself.
Oh, and you can learn to make your own budget survival kit (pictured above) at


Anonymous said...


AndyW said...

I completely disagree in this case.

The family had waited it out for nearly a week, his children were starving, his wife was freezing. He felt he needed to try and I wouldn't for a second disagree with that decision.

Consider: About a decade ago, a similar thing happened in nearly the same place in southern Oregon. A salesman was taking a shortcut through the mountains home. He got stuck. The Forest Service usually checked the road on snowmobiles before closing it for the winter, but heavy snows held them back. The man starved to death and his body was found in the spring.

Given the limited resources the Kim family had, they seem to have done a pretty good job of holding on: burning tires, attaching reflective tape to an umbrella, James Kim leaving a trail for rescuers to follow.

So I say his logic in leaving was sound -- he just went the wrong way. He must have known he was taking a desperate chance, but felt he had to try.