It's snowing in the mountains again. Are you tired of hearing that yet? Of course not. This season has blessed us with weeks of excuses for trips to our favorite resorts. Here's another reason for the trip, even if you don't ski or board - Dorothy's Tamales. Last year, Dorothy Russel sold her homemade tamales from a bright blue tractor-trailer just off U.S. Highway 24 in Hartsel. This year, she moved that trailer and hooked it onto the back of a bright blue house, mere yards from her previous location. Russel and her crew make 40 dozen or more tamales a day, and her business is open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. - perfect hours for day-tripping skiers. We've gotten so hooked on her buffalo tamales that some days we've even left the mountains a little early, eager to get to Dorothy's before she closes. - Deb
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