Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Chopper rescue

Don't know whether the chopper was necessary medically or if Air Force brass simply wanted to whisk the cadets away, but the two AFA cadets stuck on Pikes Peak overnight were lifted off the mountain a little while ago.

Dave's talking to Neal and Teresa at Barr Camp and the rescue crew. We'll add details about the rescue here. And tomorrow's Gazette will feature more info about conditions on the peak (we'll post here, too).

Snow's expected overnight, so any thoughts of an easy Memorial Weekend trek to the summit are silly.

1 comment:

  1. I was the pilot who picked up the rescue team and AFA Cadets. We got the call that morning around 0700 and had them off the mountain by 0930. It is our mission to help out when and where we can. Colorado Army National Guard based out of Buckely AFB in Aurora.
